Our 2nd tech event! We're partnering with Embarc Collective, a tech startup hub in downtown Tampa. There will be Fresh Kitchen for catering too, sponsored by Brooksource!

If you want to attend remotely, we'll post a zoom link in the comments around event time

We have two great talks for this event. After the talks, we'll open the floor for anyone who wants to do a lightning talk + networking

Talk1 - Introduction to TypeScript

Whether you are new to front-end development or have been using JavaScript for years, this talk will help you learn the basics of TypeScript to kickstart your next coding project. TypeScript is one of the most wanted and loved languages according to the latest Stack Overflow Survey. https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-language-love-dread

What you'll learn:

BIO: Zabi is a Fullstack developer at an IoT startup called GreenLight IoT. He has over 1.5 year of experience working in Angular, TypeScript, Node.js. He likes to play soccer and board games in his pastime.

SLIDES: https://slides.com/zabibabar/intro-to-typescript

Talk2 - How to ship a Unity game on Steam!

The talk will introduce you to indie adventure game development from A to Z, featuring the true story of the Joyfess game, and how it grew from a once mini-Flash game for a Flash middle school contest, to a real commercial game project.

What you'll learn about:

BIO: Haritha is an aspiring data analyst with a background in econometrics and hands-on experience in building predictive models on Python (mostly Linear and Logistic Regression models). He is an adventure game designer hobbyist who designed the Joyfess game (launched on Steam in 2020). You might randomly run into him on the dancefloor dancing to his favorite: Salsa music!

SLIDES: https://slides.com/haridira/joyfess

MEETUP: https://www.meetup.com/TampaDevs/events/281642170/

Vincent Tang

Vincent Tang

Occasional Dance Performer. Runs CodeChefs, a coding podcast for junior devs.

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