We're hosting our first technical talk! This talk is in partnership with ReactJS Tampa and will be held be at ReliaQuest over in Harbour Island. You can watch it remotely through zoom - we'll post a link in the comments around that time

ALSO, if you do attend, there will be Fresh Kitchen for catering too!


The talk is about everything you should know as a designer/developer on SVGs (scalable vector graphics). There used in pretty much every webapp from logos, animation effects, drag and drop GUIs, icons, WYISWIG tools, and much more!

What you'll learn about:


Vincent is a fullstack developer with 3 years of experience in React, Angular, Vue. He runs CodeChefs, a podcast for junior to mid level developers seeking to levelup. You might randomly run into him at the dance floor or at the climbing gym

SLIDES: https://slides.com/vincentntang/svg-everything-you-should-know-about-it

MEETUP: https://www.meetup.com/TampaDevs/events/281425588/

Vincent Tang

Vincent Tang

Occasional Dance Performer. Runs CodeChefs, a coding podcast for junior devs.

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