Interested in speaking for Tampa Devs? Check out some of our past talks here for examples

What are some of the benefits of giving a tech talk?

Benefits of giving a talk

Tampa Devs will also provide the following as well:

Also if you do a talk your also welcome to do intro talks for upcoming meetups!

Topics are anything a software developer might want to know. Past topics we've done are on React, Git, DevOps, Game Dev, Typescript, IoT, Cloud architecture, etc to give some examples. We're always open to new ideas or do similar talks to ones we've done in the past

Non-specific software topics like SEO, entreuprenuership, life skills, UX design, etc are also welcome too!

Check out our past talks for inspiration

And upcoming events here for reference

Are you interested?

If your interested in these things, here's how to get started. We'll need a few things from you, these are for posting to the meetup event for advertising

Feel free to check out some of our past meetup pages as an example

Image description

How to get involved

Hit up one of the organizers on slack if you'd like to get involved

A link to the slack is found here

Also use the form below as well:

Vincent Tang

Vincent Tang

Occasional Dance Performer. Runs CodeChefs, a coding podcast for junior devs.

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