Here's our end of the year survey for 2022!

We've asked you how we can make Tampa Devs better, and 38 of y'all responded! Here's the results:

How much did you enjoy going to Tampa Devs?

A lot of you really like coming here and we're glad to hear that :)

What's your gender?

84% male, 16% female. We have a surprisingly large audience of females compared to the general demographic of developers

Are you new to the Tampa Bay area? (within the past 3 years?)

55% of you said your new to the area. I've asked and alot of you are from up north! Either New York, New Jersey, Seattle - those are a few of the popular places

Which of the following best describes you? (Optional)

We have a lot of people from many disciplines!

Did Tampa Devs help you find a job?

2 out of 38 people who replied to the post actually got a job through Tampa Devs!!! That's amazing

I feel welcomed at Tampa Devs - your thoughts?

Many of you said you were welcomed so glad to hear that :)

Tampa Devs meeting topics are relevant and useful to me - yay or nay?

It seems that not every topic is totally relevant to you, but that's okay! We're not trying to go for talks that you can easily access through tutorials, but rather expose you to topics you won't always look up online so now you'll be aware of things you didn't even know about :)

What's your favorite talks this year?

We didn't even do the mobile development talk in 2022 so some of y'all just pushed every check box lol. Intro to DevOps and Automation was by far the most popular topic, probably because it was beginner friendly but also had many advanced topics too.

What kinds of presentation topics would you like to see in 2023?

Sounds like everyone wants something different - from beginner topics, to more advanced topics. Also we had a lot of feedback here too! This is great to know, we'll try and cater as best we can :)

What kinds of fun social/networking events would you like to see in 2023?

Lots of great idea here for networking events! We're doing a career forum in March as alot of you requested this

We try not to delve too far into other things like bowling, esports, etc but we do like to incorporate "fun short game" ideas into our meetings. Always open to those :)

What do you think is the most challenging or difficult aspect of the meetup right now, and how can we improve on it?

These are all really good inputs and we'll definitely take these into consideration. Regarding food we're kinda broke right now and Publix is super affordable, we'll try and keep new food options once we get more funding

Regarding women in tech, we do have a group specifically for that (WITI - women in tech international), but the vast majority of developers do tend to be male we have no say over the matter

I think with Civic nights those would be a great idea - I think it should be done through slack, but there are actual open-code nights on meetup currently. We're trying to keep the calendar mostly in-person events

Any other thoughts, feedback, or suggestions you'd like to share with us?

Hoodies are on the list of swag items to make!! They are kinda pricy though. Thanks for all the awesome feedback :). We'll definitely be hosting events at different parts of the greater Tampa area, we'll partially be doing some events over in St Pete

Vincent Tang

Vincent Tang

Occasional Dance Performer. Runs CodeChefs, a coding podcast for junior devs.

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